“I Just don’t have the time.”
It’s crazy how many times I’ve heard people say, “I’d like to work out more, but I just don’t have the time.”
Or “I’d like to read a book sometime, but I just don’t have the time.”
Or my personal favorite, directed a me: “You write fiction? I wish I had time to do that.” As if I’m just sitting around with nothing to do so I’m trying to pick up writing to kill the time.
Yes, you do.
Yet every time one of those statements are made, I could follow-up with a question asking them what they watched last night and probably get a list of every reality show and sit-com that was on the previous night, or an update on how “their team” did in whatever sporting event they spent three hours watching.
I’m not trying to pick on people who watch a lot of television here, I’m just using sit-coms, sports, and reality shows in the example since so many Americans spend hours (and hours and hours and hours) glued to their screens watching them.
What I am trying to say is that when you do finally figure out what your real dream is, and then decide to go after it, there’s a big sobering reality that you’ll have to accept:
You’re going to have to make a sacrifice.
Sadly, not a single one of us has enough free time on our hands to devote to our passions. At our house, where we’re blessed with four little kids, we barely have time to devote to doing the laundry or putting away the dishes.
But that’s a side note. What’s important is to recognize what’s important. If you wish you could exercise more, or read more, or write more, or whatever, then go ahead and do it. You are the only obstacle standing between yourself and your dreams.
The only thing is that in order to push yourself aside and go after those dreams, you’re going to have to figure out what you’re going to give up to get there.
So, writers, what have you given up to follow your writing dreams? Leave a comment and let us know!