And another week is in the books. I guess another month is too. I hope April was a good for you as it was for me.
Onto Five Links Friday.
1. Let’s start with a great article from Wendy Lawton at Books and Such. 10 Near-Fatal Errors Writers Make (and how you can avoid them!) lists a bunch of stuff we all do that we shouldn’t. I’m Number 10, if you’re keeping tabs.
2. I don’t usually hear negative things at writing conferences, but it seems like there is one thing that can bring out the negative in a few writers at every conference I’ve attended. And that comes when a presenter brings up writing platforms. So with that in mind, why don’t we let Rachel Thompson tell us The Reason Your Author Platform Matters.
3. “Show don’t tell” is probably the oldest generic writing tip ever uttered by anyone who claims to know anything about writing. But it’s also one of the best. Check out this article by Kim Foster with some examples of “showing” and “telling.”
4. This one isn’t necessarily writing related, but it is reading related. Reading specifically on the internet. Your Internet Habits Create Your Reality over at Zen Habits talks about how what you read affects your reality.
5. And you what? I think I’ll close out the week with some shameless self-promotion. My debut novel, HOLY FUDGESICLES, we released today by Wings ePress. Check out my website to read more about it and find links to order it.
And that is all for this Friday. Thanks for allowing me to have a platform to plug my novel, and have a great week, a great month, and a great year!