It’s April 1 already. THIS YEAR IS GOING BY TOO FAST.
Anyhow, here are five non-April-Fool’s-Day links for ya to read. Enjoy!
1. The Creative Penn has a nice post on dealing with your fears as a writer. Give it a read, and don’t ever fear judgment for your writing! On Writing And The Fear Of Judgment
2. NaNoWriMo is a long way away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still write a book in thirty days this month. Check out Chuck Out the Excuses & Write a Book in 30 Days by Susan May for some tips on how to do it.
3. Would the “average reader” enjoy your book? Guest what…there is no such thing as the average reader. Click the link and let Cathy Yardley at Writer Unboxed explain: The Myth of the Average Reader
4. If you’re not getting rejections, it means you’re not submitting. You’ve got to keep going. Here is a Submission Survival Guide by Victoria Griffin to keep you encouraged throughout the process.
5. This is interesting. 7 Redundant Adjectives gives you a hint at some words that could be cut to help tighten your writing. Although, as a lifelong pro-wrestling fan, I’ll never omit “closed fist” from my vocabulary.
And that does it for the week. Here’s hoping April treats you well.