Bleh, it’s already March…..wait a minute, March is like my second favorite month, so Yay! It’s already March! Heh heh. Here are five links for ya.
1. Let’s start with an insightful post by Janice Hardy on Choosing the Right Words for the Scene.
2. Write to Done has a cool infograph with 18 Famous Writers & Their Weird & Wonderful Work Habits that you should check. Emulate the best, right?
3. Is This Publisher Legit? Derek Haines has a great article on how to answer that question.
4. From Writers Helping Writers, here is a post on Why Characters Resist Change from Angela Ackerman. Great tips for characters building.
5. And finally, here’s a post by Nicole Pyles on Letting a Story Go because, let’s face it, it’s hard to break up with a story.
That’s it for the week. Sorry things have been slow around here as of late. I’m hoping to get back in the swing of things this month.
Take care and have a great weekend!