Time again for another Five Links Friday. Hope you had a great week, and will have an even better weekend. Enjoy!
1. Let’s begin with the end. Here is a look at good endings & what yours should include by Roz Morris at Writers Helping Writers.
2. Fantasy Faction has a really cool Worldbuilding Round Table with authors Jonathan French, Alec Hutson, and Phil Tucker. Some good advice for the fantasy writer.
3. Here’s a post worth reading by Nils Ödlund at Mythic Scribes on Writing a Novella.
4. Becca Puglisi has a really good guest post on Jerry Jenkin’s site with some tips on Personalizing Your Character’s Emotional Wound.
5. Finally, here is an answer to something I’m struggling with, as one of my WIPs is a trilogy. How to Pitch a Series by Laura Heffernan at Books by Women answers some of those questions.
That’ll do it for this week. I’m hoping to skip out and catch The Last Jedi during a weekday matinee next week, so I may have to go into internet exile to avoid spoilers. So until then, have a great weekend and get lots of writing done!