We’re getting dangerously close to Halloween, so I hope you’re all prepared. Until then, however, I hope you plan to spend this weekend reading, writing, and watching scary movies. I know I will. Here are the five best writing-related articles I read this week…
1. I may have posted this before, but I don’t care; it’s a great article. 5 Reasons to Handwrite Your Story by Victoria Griffin gives you a lot to think about. As a side note, how many of us lefties are even able to read our own handwriting enough to try writing fiction that way?
2. If you can’t get friends who dance, maybe you could at least get friends who write. Brendan Brown tells us Why Writers Make The Best Friends. It’s hard to disagree.
3. I think we can all struggle with point of view every now and then. Richard Thomas has a great article about Playing With Point of View.
4. Theresa Rice has a great post at Gordon A. Wilson’s blog on 7 Things I Have Learned About Publishing.
5. Finally, just for fun, you should read this cool BBC article on The Mysterious Origins of Punctuation.
And that is all. If you’re going to play NaNoWriMo this year (and I’m still on the fence) you best get to planning and scheduling. Otherwise, have a great weekend and enjoy the awesome October weather!